The Benefits Of Architectural Signage
We all know that one of the major challenges faced by any business, in any sector, is getting customers through the door. While some businesses find they benefit from more aggressive forms of direct marketing, others prefer to take a more passive approach.
Ultimately, making your business easy to find and attractive is crucial. Architectural signage is one such way you can do that. In fact architectural signage, when well designed, doesn’t just help attract customers, it helps convert those customers into sales.
A recent survey commission by FedEx in 2012 looked into the role signage plays in attracting customers and driving sales. It found what numerous business owners have always known; signs are a major factor when it comes to driving purchases and affecting final customer decisions. A whopping 76% of consumers had chosen to enter stores and shops they’d never previously visited based purely on the architectural signage.
Improve Your Sales With Architectural Signage
Similarly, an equal percentage of those who took part in the survey reported to have recommended a place based entirely on seeing a sign for it. Lastly, around 68% of customers admitted to making a purchase simply after having a sign catch their eye. From this study back in 2012, and others like it, it’s clear that architectural signage plays an important role in attracting consumers to both a company and its merchandise.
Get the signage design right and it’s memorable; enticing even. Great signage gives a customer an idea, a promise of what a store might offer. It lays down an initial clue as to what a customer can expect. Correct signage design and manufacture is an invaluable part of branding and it should never be underestimated.
Signage Design And Manufacture; Get It Right
It’s worth remembering however, that if quality signage can have such a positive impact on sales and brand awareness, poor signage can have a hugely negative affect. Within the FedEx study, 68% of participants believed a sign to be a reliable indicator of the company itself and the services or products it offers.
This means, customers believe a poorly designed sign, or even an unattractive one would lend itself to a poor brand and inferior product or service. Similarly, 52% of participants said they were less willing to step into a shop if they didn’t like the signage, it was poorly made or displayed spelling mistakes. In fact 60% agreed they wouldn’t enter a store at all if there were no sign.
It’s certainly worth remembering that great signage doesn’t stop at the door. It isn’t enough to simply get a store front sign right, but it’s a great first step and one that should be taken seriously. Here at 4site Implementation, we know what makes good architectural signage. From the look to the placement, we have you covered. What’s more, we offer an inclusive service that will take you from design all the way through to installation.
Contact 4site Implementation today!
Bringing your ideas to fruition needn’t be hard work because our team are on hand to make it as easy as possible. For more information on our architectural signage service, from design to manufacture, contact us today on 01268 540081.